Channel: typo/graphic posters

“«gestört erzählt» Andrea”, 2024, by Gina Burri for Neubad - typo/graphic posters

“Jahrmarkt der schönen Dinge 2024”, 2024, by Luc Sohm for Neubad - typo/graphic posters

“Berlin Summer University of the Arts”, 2023, by Béla Machemer for Klasse Hickmann - typo/graphic posters

“Bewerbungsvorträge Gastproffessur des bewegten Bildes”, 2024, by Béla Machemer for Klasse Hickmann - typo/graphic posters

“nor-bra love 3:3”, 2023, by thiago lacaz - typo/graphic posters

“rubinho jacobina/ domenico lancellotti/ pedro sá”, 2023, by thiago lacaz - typo/graphic posters

“micélios: joana queiroz/ alberto continetino/ dora morelenbaum/ thomas harres”, 2023, by thiago lacaz - typo/graphic posters

“jasmin godoy + frederico heliodoro”, 2023, by thiago lacaz - typo/graphic posters

“frederico heliodoro + jasmin godoy”, 2023, by thiago lacaz - typo/graphic posters

“ava mendoza/ marino pliakas/ michael wertmueller”, 2023, by thiago lacaz - typo/graphic posters

“ricardo dias gomes + blurry the explorer”, 2023, by thiago lacaz - typo/graphic posters

“zoe mcpherson”, 2023, by thiago lacaz - typo/graphic posters

“jeremy gustin/ kassin/ pedro sá/ domenico lancellotti”, 2024, by thiago lacaz - typo/graphic posters

“jeremy gustin/ pedro sá/ guilheme lirio/ frederico heliodoro/ paulo emmery”, 2024, by thiago lacaz - typo/graphic posters

“esdi 60”, 2024, by thiago lacaz - typo/graphic posters

“beautifully diverse”, 2023, by thiago lacaz - typo/graphic posters

“creating the future”, 2021, by thiago lacaz - typo/graphic posters

“Pavilion”, 2014, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Humor and Tragedy”, 2012, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Pilgrimage”, 2017, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“The Last Tomorrow”, 2018, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Dornadeon”, 2017, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Kurdistan Diaries”, 2017, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Destiny”, 2021, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Shabtab3”, 2018, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Siavashan”, 2017, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Gone Wild”, 2015, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Internationality”, 2015, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Bound”, 2017, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Global Iranian”, 2020, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Boogie Woogie in Tehran”, 2019, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“QAL”, 2020, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Space102”, 2019, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“TEP”, 2014, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Magical”, 2019, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“What Thing”, 2019, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Nuit des idées”, 2022, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Nuit des idées”, 2022, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Lost Gardens”, 2019, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli, Tehran Platform, Iaac Global Summer School - typo/graphic posters

“This was the tale”, 2020, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Morphosis”, 2019, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“WDD2020”, 2020, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Nomad at home”, 2023, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Liv—ing Room”, 2024, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Home Studio 2100-MHz RFR”, 2020, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Traces of power”, 2024, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Atrough Poster Calendar”, 2022, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli, Atrough - typo/graphic posters

“Quartal”, 2022, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Abide”, 2023, by Omid Nemalhabib, Studio Melli - typo/graphic posters

“Kunstmeile Hamburg”, 2024, by NODE Berlin Oslo - typo/graphic posters

New identity and poster design: The Kunstmeile Hamburg is the association of six renowned art galleries in the centre of Hamburg. The Hamburger Kunsthalle, the Bucerius Kunst Forum, the Deichtorhallen Hamburg with the exhibition hall “Aktuelle Kunst” and the “Haus der Photographie”, the Kunsthaus Hamburg, the Kunstverein in Hamburg and the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg invite you to stroll and discover the Kunstmeile in an ideal location and within walking distance. They present current and lively historical and contemporary art across all media: painting, drawing, sculpture and photography, arts and crafts and design.

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